Piano Lessons
The piano lessons are suitable for children, teenagers and adults – for beginners and for advanced learners. Depending on age and demand I can offer lessons with 30, 45 or 60 minutes. The lessons can be held in English.
Home visits within Munich are also available!
For the beginning you can book a one-time
‚Starter Package‘ with 4 lessons for a special reduced price:
The ‚Starter Package‘ (without home visits)
4 lessons each 45 minutes: € 100.-
The ‚Starter Package‘ (with home visits)
4 lessons each 45 minutes: € 120.-
The teaching times for the Starter Package can be arranged individually.
And you can also buy » gift certificates!
» Prices and teaching times

Thomas Fischer
Alfred-Schmidt-Straße 28
81379 München
Phone: 089-7 23 50 11
Mobile: 0152 0984 0440
E-Mail: thomas-fischer@art-and-piano.de
With » public transport in Munich:
Line underground U3 up to station ‚Thalkirchen / Tierpark‘ (Zoo).
(Only 100 meters from station). See also » map.

The well-priced 10-lessons cards are particularly suitable for regular lessons (usually once a week – there are no lessons during the official school holidays in Bavaria):
10-lessons cards (without home visits)
10 x 30 minutes: € 320.-
10 x 45 minutes: € 370.-
10 x 60 minutes: € 420.–
10-lessons cards (with home visits)
10 x 30 minutes: € 370.-
10 x 45 minutes: € 420.-
10 x 60 minutes: € 470.–

The respective amount for the card must be paid either by bank transfer or in cash within the first lesson. Unused lessons cannot be refunded.
As an alternative to the 10-cards, individual lessons can also be booked; this is particularly suitable for adults and working people who want to remain flexible in terms of time, and only want a piano lesson every now and then at longer intervals:
Individual lessons (without home visits)
45 minutes: € 45.-
60 minutes: € 50.-
Individual lessons (with home visits)
45 minutes: € 50.-
60 minutes: € 55.-
Prices for group lessons on request.

Gift certificates
You can buy beautifully designed gift certificates for piano lessons – with an amount of lessons according to your free choice (with or without home visits), or with the ‚Starter Package‘.

You will get the piano lessons on a Kawai grand piano and/or on a high-class Roland LX-10 digital piano.

Request for Piano Lessons
(Please fill out all required fields *)

All of my piano lessons programs are tailored to each individual pupil. Pupils are taught the basics of technique and reading music. And I always try to give my students the music they love to play so that they are motivated to practice and learn.
Practice can be anywhere from 5 minutes for a young child to any number of hours for a serious adult. The normal practice time for a young student in school is from 15 minutes for the younger ones to 30-60 minutes for older children. So this does not interefere too much with the work a pupil has to accomplish for school.
Piano lessons are very highly beneficial in the development of a child’s brain. Study after study supports that piano lessons surpass any activity in their contribution to developing essential connections in the developing brain of the child because it utilizes so many operations simultaneously.
As for adults, piano lessons can bring great pleasure in terms of relaxation and peace of mind as well as the joy of playing one’s favorite music. Piano lessons offer a sense of accomplishment for young and old!